Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Home Stretch....

My darling daughter, oldest spawn of mine is about 4 weeks from delivering my first grandchild into the world. My grandchild-to-be is a boy and is already much anticipated and loved. Currently, it is rather hot here in Oregon and my daughter is not really enjoying this most wonderous time in her life. Everytime I see her, she looks tired, very uncomfortable and, to be honest, a bit sweaty.
As any woman who has been pregnant can tell you, that "glow" that you hear about all the time from television shows and pregnancy books....that is actually over active oil glands triggered by out of control hormones. It is not "lovely". It is not "Ethereal". It is unpleasant.

There is a reason that men are not the ones who carry and deliver babies....Women are the ones who do this because nature knows that we have infinite more patience than men in general do. We have this level of patience because we have to deal with the stupid and ignorant comments from men all of our lives. If we can deal with having a headache and having a man ask us if we are "on the rag", well, we can certainly deal with varicose veins and bloated ankles.

When people tell me that I "don't look old enough to be a grandmother" I have to admit that it has become quite tiresome. I mean, what does a grandmother look like? Should I be wearing my grey hair up in a bun, dressed in a long flowery dress with a shawl wrapped around my shoulders and baking cookies (although, to be fair, I kick ass in the kitchen).
I have taken to responding to such observations by people with comments such as "well, I was the most popular girl at summer camp" *wink*

Well, I guess I should get back to my project of making baby bibs.

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