Today, I took the husband into an agency called "Extras Only". They are, as the name may suggest, a casting agency that specializes in casting extras for films and television. We live in a town that the show leverage is filmed in. Now, I have never seen the show and I have no idea what it is about. I imagine I should at least try to catch an episode or two, just in case Alpha Male is picked as an extra.
In other news of my life....a couple of weeks ago, Alpha Male went to Las Vegas to do some house hunting. We live in the Pacific NW, which, while a beautiful place to live, is not a good place to be for someone who has asthma and other issues such as arthritis. Alpha Male agreed to wait on us moving there until I am through with school. This should take just about 3 years, if I do it right.
Anyways, while down there, Alpha Male made a couple of offers and we had not heard back. As it turns out, the banks like to wait until the end of the month to look at all offers that have come in and then they decide which offer to accept and do so on the first of the next month. I find it quite lovely that the banks are so eager to take peoples homes when they are a bit late on payments but they have no issue with taking their time in accepting an offer. You would think that they would actually move quickly when an offer that is good comes their way. Guess we can never figure people out, can we?
I think I will take a creative writing course in the Fall, I think it can go far in making my blogging pop more!
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