Sunday, January 9, 2011


Life is a funny thing. We all come into this world in pretty much the same way and our parents see our paths as something they set us on.
We grow, we learn and we experience things that may lead us to chose a different path than we had originally been set upon.
Eventually, once we become adults, we settle into this idea that we are on the path we are supposed to be on and we go merrily along.

Sometimes, something profound happens in our lives and we realize that the path we are on and that we believed was the right one is, in fact, one we need to get off of.
I am on a new path....don't get me wrong, I am still Jewish, still a believer. I am also a Shaman in training.....I have chosen to follow the calling to the shamanic work.
I know that this is true and right and what is meant to be. I am excited to be here, it is an adventure that I am so excited about. I cannot wait to see where this path takes me.

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