Friday, October 22, 2010

People are funny

I work in retail....this never fails to provide plenty of entertainment for me.

The other day at work, I was sitting outside with a couple of the ladies I work with when we saw a lady come out of the store, pushing a shopping cart. Now, our carts have wheels that will lock up after you pass a certain point in the parking lot. This is stated very clearly. The lady had parked her vehicle over by the pet store, which was out of the "Working cart wheels" boundries.
Sure enough, her cart locked up and would not budge. What does she do? She decides that she is going to walk from the cart, which is still sitting in the middle of the parking lot, in the way of other cars, to her car and move her purchases, one item at a time from the cart to the car.

Along comes two of the Parcels. Their job is to help people with their groceries. They go over to ask if they can help her and she tells them, rather loudly, "NO!! I can do this myself, I'm not an idiot you know!!"
About 15 minutes later, she gets her items into her car and out of frustration, she kicks the cart over, screams at all of us that we should be ashamed to work for the company we work for and tears out of the parking lot.

Good Times.

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