School is in full swing. I am carrying 13 credits and working nearly full time. I am also spending as much time as possible with my grandson, Bu-bus.
I had to take my computer into the store and have the entire system wiped and returned to factory default settings. I told the guy at the store that I didn't care if he lost everything else, as long as he didn't lose the pics of my darling grandson. He did well.
While at the store, picking up my computer, I wandered over to the furniture section. There is a tempered milky glass L-shaped desk that I have been eyeing for quite some time and now it is on sale....color me very happy. I am picking it up tomorrow. I will later be getting the matching computer desk and shelf. I have a strong desire to be organised and out from under my clutter.....I am just not sure how to get there.
I think the first step is to go mercinary and clear out the stuff I don't use. I have a friend who will gladly take it off my hands for me. She's a giver like that.